Tuesday 20 November 2007

Software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies

Library at Lunchtime: EndNote Sessions

EndNote is an application that helps researchers store and manage references, and makes creating bibliographies easy. UCD Library offers workshop training and demonstration sessions for groups, in addition to Endnote Lunchtime Sessions


Introduction to EndNote: Good PC skills; some familiarity with using online databases

Advanced EndNote: These sessions are intended for regular users of EndNote, who can already enter and download references and use the Cite While You Write feature.

For advance bookings please Telephone 7167368, or Email: endnote@ucd.ie
Any places not booked will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis on the day.

Friday 2 November 2007


Many of you will know that the Library has recently purchased the online version of the House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP).

The HCPP is a comprehensive collection of parliamentary papers in full text on British policy, covering Britain and its colonies from 1801 to the present. It is a primary source for historical records, and for multidisciplinary research.

The company selling this service will give a brief workshop on how to use, search for and locate information on this resource, on:

Monday 5th November, 2.00 - 3.30pm

In the Information Skills Room, Health Sciences Library

If you would like to attend this workshop, which will also be attended by some library staff, please let Ros Pan know:
